BOOKS (that deal broadly with teaching popular culture and media).
Please insert links to and write up citation using APA formatting.
• Alverman, D., Hagwood, M., Moon, J. (1999). Popular culture in the classroom: teaching and researching critical media literacy. Philadelphia, PA; Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
• Buckingham, D. (2003). Media education; literacy, learning and contemporary culture. Malden, MA; Polity.
• Christel, M. & Sullivan, S. (Eds.). (2007). Lesson Plans for Creating Media-Rich Classrooms. Urbana, IL; National Council of Teachers of English.
• DeAbreu, B. (2007). Teaching media literacy: a how-to-do-it manuals for librarians. New York, NY; Neal Schuman Publishers.
• Kist, W. (2004). New literacies in action: teaching and learning in multiple media. New York, NY; Teachers College Press.
• Morell, E. (2004). Linking literacy and popular culture: finding connections for lifelong learning. Norwood, MA; Christopher-Gordon Publishers.
Goodman, S. (2003). Teaching Youth Media: A Critical Guide to Literacy, Video Production, & Social Change. New York, NY; Teachers College Press.
Teasley A, & Wilder, A. (1997). Reel Conversations: Reading Films with Young Adults Portsmouth, NH; Boynton/Cook Publishers.
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