

Page history last edited by Ryan Goble 16 years, 10 months ago

Welcome to the Popular Culture and Media in the Classroom Wiki!


This wiki initially created as a way for Ryan and Nicole (from Mindblue) and students in the Teach, Think, Play II conference at Teachers College Columbia University to share digital resources for using Popular Culture and Media in the classroom. Mindblue conceived the conferences framework with Dr. John Broughton as one where practicing teachers explore popular culture and media through three lenses: 


• TEACH means how we can prepare and present lessons in our classrooms, at whatever age level, using media and popular culture.

• THINK implies that before we can teach with and about popular culture and media we need to explore the relevant research literature and understand how researchers and researcher/practitioners approach these issues and ideas on a theoretical level.

• PLAY is journey into pop culture and media creation.  How do students, teachers and professionals create, play and interact with popular culture and media?


The annual Teach, Think, Play Conference is sponsored by Mindblue.com and the Center for Educational Outreach and Innovation at Teachers College (CEO&I), the Film and Education Research Academy (FERA), and the TC Students for a Cultural Studies Initiative (SCSI).  


Making curriculum Pop is Mindblue's mission and hosting a wiki at our website that builds a community of teachers committed to this kind of teaching is an honor.


Presently, the site is broken into to four major sections: General ResourcesGenres and TopicsResources by Discipline, and Resources by Grade Level.


At the General Resources link you will find groups and ideas that encompass a broad range of issues surrounding the use of popular culture and media in an educational context.   This page contains links to institutionsorganizationsproducersthinkers , books (that deal broadly with teaching popular culture and media) and FREE media resources for the classroom.  Additionally, the page compiles rationales and FAQs for using media and popular culture in the classroom.  At Genres and Topics you will find collections of resources designed to assist in the use of specific types of popular culture and media in the classroom.  The Discipline and Grade Level resources are self-explanatory.


Unit we figure out a manageable way to tag resources many links will be cross-listed in General Resources, Genres and Topics, Discipline


The founding members of this wiki community were practicing teachers, researchers and media professionals who were enrolled in "Teach Think Play II" in the spring of 2008 at Teachers College Columbia University.  Without the knowledge and expertise of these phenomenal minds this community would have never gotten off the ground.


We hope you enjoy the wiki and post a few superfly links along the way.


Good Vibes, 


Ryan, Nicole & Paul


Comments (1)

Kristin Martin said

at 9:28 am on Apr 22, 2008

Ryan, Nicole and Paul,

Thank you so much for putting this all together! This will be a great resource!

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